Online Yoga Classes
Welcome to TiaHathaCare, your go-to online yoga studio offering live classes and video replays. At TiaHathaCare we believe in making the pose fit the person, not making the person fit the pose. In our classes different options are given for poses to suit practitioners at every level and ability. Whether you're looking to build strength, increase flexibility, or find peace of mind, we have the perfect class for you. Join us today and experience the transformative power of yoga.
Yoga For.... You!
At TiaHathaCare we believe yoga is a valuable tool for managing all that life throws at us. Whether it's PMS, Grief, Sore Muscles, Anxiety, or many other of life's challenges, Yoga for...You, is here for you!
Yoga For PMS with Tia Hatha Care
Yoga For PMS Feb 23 2023
Mindfulness Based Yoga
These Mindful Monday class replays are a beautiful infusion of Vinyasa Yoga with mindfulness techniques woven in, often utilizing breathing exercises and meditations.
Mindful Mondays Replay Aug 29 2022
MindfulMondays Sep26-22
MindfulMondays Sep14-22
Brain Boost: Yoga for Cognitive Improvement
Kirtan Kriya is a yogic practice which has been recognized in studies to promote better memory and cognitive function, as well as reduce symptoms of Dementia and Alzheimer's. These classes will include a Kirtan Kriya practice and also discuss other ways to combat cognitive degradation including nutrition, social factors and exercise.
Brain Boost Classes
Pranayama and Meditation
Pranayama is the act of controlling the breath and Meditation is a tool to calm the mind. These focused classes each introduce a different Pranayama or Meditation exercise that can be utilized for a wide variety of physical and mental benefits.
Pranayama and Meditation
Nadi Shodana - Alternate Nostril Breathing
Box Breathing and Meditation
Yoga Nidra
Yoga Nidra, or Yogic Sleep, uses somatic healing practices to achieve a state between wakefulness and sleep. Yoga Nidra promotes a deep relaxation which allows the body to feel more rested, relieve stress, and sleep better.